Finally we got the last bits restored from tape. All services are online again, but in case of problems please report to, then we will fix them asap. Also please check your CVS repositories, the lastest commits before the crash might not have made it to our backup. You will have to recommit. The same goes for mail, any mail that hasn't come through yet, needs to be resent.
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Server Recovery Progressing
The recovery of the crashed server is now nicely on its way. As a starter mail and mailinglists are now working again. We have quite a number of mails in the queue on our mailgateway which are now under delivery. Some mails have been temporarily rejected. These mails should start flowing in within the next day. CVS and project web sites are also on their way. More info later.
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Server Breakdown Update #3
Unfortunately we've had a poweroutage which didn't affect our servers but it affected the backup systems which are in another building. This means that the data restore on the crashed disk array will be a bit more delayed.
We will post updates as we get more news about this.
We will post updates as we get more news about this.
Server Breakdown Update #2
It is taking longer than expected to restore the data on the server. This is a combination of old hardware and a slow restore process.
Short story, no mail or cvs service today. We will keep you updated.
Short story, no mail or cvs service today. We will keep you updated.
Server Breakdown Update
Earlier today we managed (with help from KOM CWS) to get the failed server in a running state. Unfortunately one of the disk arrays had failed seriously, which means that data needs to be restored from backup. This will take some time, but with a bit of luck, we might be running again tomorrow (tuesday). Please check back here for updates.
Server breakdown
Unfortunately one of our servers broke down last night. This means that mail-services is currently unavailable. We are working on a solution but is seems that we won't get everything back to normal before monday.
Outages over the weekend
This weekend we'll be installing a few new servers (hooray), move some older server(s) around (uh, yay) and hopefully make our shiny Gbps uplink operational (doubleplusgood). That however means that we'll have to take some services offline for some time, and others might have unplanned outages. Please don't be mad at us -- we'll do our best, but some downtime is simply unavoidable.
And things will be of course much better after the upgrade ;)
And things will be of course much better after the upgrade ;)
New Usenet Post Filter
Today a new usenet post filter has been enabled on our news server. The primary purpose of this filter is to clean out SPAM - which we do not tolerate. The filter is rather aggressive and will also reject eg. HTML postings - so make sure your news reader is configured to post plain text articles. If you by any chance find that a legitimate, correctly formatted (See RFC 1036 ) message from you gets rejected, please let us know.
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Maintenance during the weekend
We are going to do some major maintenance on our services this weekend. Some services might therefore be unavalable for a periode, but we will try to make the work as smooth as possible. Sorry for any inconveniences.
New usenet access policy now active
As we announced earlier, our access policy to the usenet server would be changed on October 15th, 2005. Unfortunately there were some unexpected difficulties in implementing this policy in practice. The problems have now been solved, and as of tonight the new policy is active. In short this means that users connecting from a non-danish IP will only be able to access Open Source related groups and Danish news groups.
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