Donation from PROSA

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PROSA east and west made a generous donation towards new server equipment. We are truly grateful for this support, which will be used in a future upgrade to our network setup.

Service Disruption

Disk failure

We are experiencing a disk failure. Which are causing NGINX to return occasional 500 Internal Server Error codes.

We are aware of the issue and are working to procure a replacement harddrive.


Service Downtime

Equipment relocation

The reason for the downtime is physical relocation of our equipment at the location of our hosting provider, Aalborg University Denmark. Our expectation is our infrastructure will be online again this evening. We do not yet have en exact estimate when the relocation will be completed. 2023-08-22 23:37 +02:00 update: We could not confirm uplink connectivity on our internet facing ports. There will be a delay until tomorrow (23 Aug 2023) before being possible to bring our servers online. [Read More]

Service Outage

ETA: Fixed

We are currently experiencing an unexpected outage across all mirrors, and are currently investigating.

Update 2022-07-27T12:30:00+02:00: We have identified and fixed the cause of the outage, service is now fully restored. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Power Outage

We are currently experiencing a power outage in Aalborg, and are therefore down. We are sorry for the inconvenience this causes and hope that power will be back soon.

Update: The outage has been resolved.

Connectivity Issues

We are currently experiencing issues with our internet connection, which may cause connection failures. From our testing this is only limited to IPv4.

We will update this post when we know more.

Update 2022-02-10T21:13:55+02:00: It should now be possible to connect again via IPv4. The issues was a configuration error at our ISP.

We would like thank DeiC for helping us resolve the issue this quickly.

Tor exits online!

Dotsrc is now hosting Tor exit nodes!

Thanks to DeiC for being LIR and upstream, and to Henrik Kramselund for letting us use some of his IPv4 addresses.

More information about the relays can be found here.


Dotsrc is looking for IPv4 address space

Dotsrc have been running fast Tor relay nodes for the last couple of years. Last year we began testing if we could operate Exit nodes as well, and did so for about two months. The vast majority of exit traffic is of course benign, but there’s also some malicious traffic which our ISP wasn’t too happy about. Since then we have had quite a few meetings and long email threads looking into possible solutions. [Read More]
tor  sponsor 

dotsrc have successfully moved to the new location should be back up and running

We have successfully moved to new location and should be up and running. Please write us on if you do not think this is the case and we will take a look :) Note that one of our virtualization servers still is down at the time of writing, see this post. Thanks to Aalborg University for supplying us with one more server, assistance, and still accomodating us. Below are some pictures of the move, we will spare you the details. [Read More]