The server was unfortunately down from 21:55 yesterday until 6:35 today. We apologize for any inconvenience.
New monitoring server
Today we have set up a new external Icinga monitoring server which can inform us of downtime via e-mails and sms's. This should enable us to notice downtime much faster and hence improve the uptime of our services.
New name servers
We changed name servers for our .dk domains a few days ago. In that transition we made an error, which was corrected again, but some users may experience problems reaching the services from for a period of time because of negative caching. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Our main switch broke down today, resulting in our services to be unavailable from 8:25 to 11:15. The switch has been replaced and all services are available again.
Back online
We have moved away from a filesystem that was causing troubles, and are now back online and in sync on all primary mirror activities.
Unfortunately has been down today from 20.53 until next morning 8.58. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Usenet server
We have received reportings about large delays in usenet postings. We are looking into the issue.
Mirror server disk upgrade
We have upgraded our mirror server with additional disks. 6 x 2 TB in a raid10, giving us 6 TB more storage and more I/O performance. Thank you to our sponsor
Cabo Communications
for the disks and Per Mejdal for a disk controller for the disks.
We are glad to announce that we have introduced IPv6 in our network setup and on our mirror server
Power distribution
Today between 16:18 and 17:30 our services had smaller outages during the retirement of our APC UPS (thank you APC, it has served us well) and the installation of new PDU's in our racks. was down for 15 minutes from 17:18 to 17:33