Upgrade on mirrors.dotsrc.org

The server hosting mirrors.dotsrc.org has been upgraded with newer and faster hard drives. The software stack has also been updated, which includes a switch from using the Apache HTTP server to Nginx.

Online again

Due to a damaged fibre between dotsrc and the DeIC POP about 100m away all our services, except our IRC-server which is hosted elsewhere, was unfortunately offline from 2014-04-26T19:52 until today at 15:56. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Sponsored equipment

We have received some hardware that we will implement into our infrastructure:

Prevas has sponsored us with two 4 TB disks and Xena has sponsored us with four 4 TB disks, an IP KVM switch and a number of servers, which we will be using for virtualization, new backup server, firewalls and more.

We would like to thank Xena and Prevas for their support!

Hardware/Sponsor Request

We need additional hard drives for some of our servers in order to keep running our services as optimally as possible. Specifically we need SATA 3.5" hard drives as large as possible and preferably designed for 24/7 usage. Sponsoring either as funding or as hardware will of course add you to our list of proud sponsors.

Stable connection again

The issue at our ISP has been resolved and dotsrc has been running stable for the last six days.

Unstable connection

Our ISP (DeIC, formerly known as "Forskningsnettet") is working at resolving the issue. This is related to the issues we saw last week. Right now it means that we have a cycle of 1-2 hours downtime followed by 1-2 hours uptime :-/

Further downtime and the news server

For a few days we have had some unstability due to a faulty fibre connection at DeIC, however that whas resolved wednesday. But murphy is around. Our electrical installation failed thursday at 20:24 and dotsrc.org (except irc.dotsrc.org) was offline from then until friday at 13:30 where all services except news.dotsrc.org was brought online again. news.dotsrc.org will be brought online again monday but is unfortunately unavailable until monday. We are sorry for the poor uptime the past week and expect much better uptime in the time to come. [Read More]

Dotsrc offline

Due to an issue in the core of Danish E-infrastructure Cooperation (DeIC), formerly known as "Forskningsnet/Darenet" the services at dotsrc.org except irc.dotsrc.org which is hosted elsewhere, has unfortunately been offline from friday night until today this afternoon. The underlying problem has not been fully resolved yet, so some unstability may occur this evening. DeIC expects to have the issue resolved early Tuesday morning. We are sorry about any inconvenience this may have caused our users. [Read More]

Planned downtime

This evening we are moving some servers between two racks and installing some new hardware. This means that the mirror service will be offline for about 10 minutes.